Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Okay... RSS feed has to be re-subscribed.

Okay. Well, I have both the new URL and the old URL still functional. But I won't be using this old one anymore (unless I really do want to test things) so if anybody is subscribed to the RSS feed, you have to go the new URL at http://eagledove9.blogspot.com and subscribe again.

Sorry for the hassle, but I was sick of having to explain why the URL was so long and annoying and why it was 'just a test blog so I could figure out the layout and stuff.'

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any Idea what happened to FSK..I think they (the man) shut down his site..It happened yesterday. He didn't allude to any changes in his last post.. I am concerned for his safety............

    If you have any info please get back to me

    P.S. I hope you are doing well

